Reflections on 2024

There is a peace that has fallen over this tiny farm with the cold weather settling in. As I write this, a silence pervades my little farmhouse, allowing me presence to muse over the events of the past year and to note my anticipation for the year ahead.

2024 was filled with the joy of meeting extraordinary people, establishing many new herbs in the garden (including valerian, St. John’s Wort, elecampane and spilanthes to name a few) bringing our total current herb species count to 78, welcoming new volunteers (who pitched in when maintenance and new projects sometimes seemed overwhelming), writing new workshops, expanding the website, participating every Saturday in the Lawrence Farmers Market plus monthly Baldwin and Eudora Markets, doubling our production from 2023, partnering with new retailers, upgrading our “event face”, finishing the new workshop space, crafting 100 new herb markers for all the green babies and overall making some of the best memories of my life. I am filled with gratitude for this beautiful life and for friends and customers who encourage me while I live my passion. I am truly fortunate. And as I receive from you, I offer to you my love and appreciation in return. The new year brings hope as we continue to gather as a community, sharing the abundance of love, friendship and passion for the plants.  


Stay Warm this Winter!